Wednesday 15 December 2010

Creatation of poster version1

The creation of this poster is really simple, but gives a really nice effect

first i adjust the brightness and contrast to get a good differences from light to dark.

Then i change the hue of the colour to make it look more effective.

then lastly i will create all the logos and text in the film, which i will get into later.

Monday 4 January 2010

link to article

Tuesday 8 December 2009

final result

well i now added all the props together and now here are images of what the whole scene could look like. The plain image by the way is blood splatter. the splatter look realistic but the colour of the blood i feel needs to be darker.

the gloves

latex gloves for the surgeons hands

knife props

Here are some knife props there are more to be added I think the knife without no handle is very effective as a killing tool.

props for blood

all these items are mixed together to create fake blood its not quite there yet but we will fix it

Wednesday 16 September 2009

year after year you see cgi animated film usally aimed for a family audience. thats why i was glad to watch beowulf i finally saw a film which could break the pattern of family films. nine seems to be one of those films which can be different. what got from the trailer was that it may contain a deep dark plot, i can't really conferm this since the film isnt out but still this could be a new age of cgi films.